Management of TDIA

​​​​​In accordance with Section 6 of the Dairy Industry Act 1994, TDIA is governed by a Board appointed by the Minister for Primary Industries and Water. 

The Board consists of

  • two members who have a wide practical knowledge of the dairy farming industry, selected from nominations submitted by an organisation representing dairy farmers, and
  • two members who have a wide practical knowledge of the milk processing or the milk manufacturing industry. 

The Minister also appoints a chairperson.

In 2019, the TDIA Board approved a Code of Conduct to be followed by Board Members which can be downloaded here:

  TDIA Board Code of Conduct   (173Kb)​

Current TDIA Board Members

Mr Paul West

Ass. Dip. Bus (Accounting), Grad. Cert. (Regional and Local Government Management), JP, GAICD

Paul was appointed as the first independent Chair of the Authority on 20th November 2023.  Paul has extensive experience in local government and holds several Board and Committee roles for organisations within Tasmania.


Mrs Jessica Crowley

B.Sc (Hons), B. Teaching

Jessica is a director of a company in the south of Tasmania manufacturing dairy milk powder products. She also sits on the Board of Directors for Southern Employment and Training Network. She was appointed to the Board in 2017.


Mr Wayne Johnston

Wayne was appointed to the Board in December 2021.  He currently holds the position of Mayor and Councillor and the Meander Valley Council and was a previous Chair of the Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association.


Mr Darren Smart

Darren has over 30 years in the dairy industry both in manufacturing and supporting farm suppliers. He was appointed to the Board in April 2023.


Mr Grant Archer

Grant has many years' experience in dairy farming and has been awarded Tasmanian Dairy Business of the year on 4 occasions.  Grant was appointed to the Board in December 2023. ​

The Authority is a public authority and any complaints regarding misconduct of a member can be referred to the Integrity Commission for investigation by the public. 


Tasmanian Dairy Industry Authority
PO Box 303
Devonport TAS 7310
Phone: 03 6478 4100
Fax: 03 6441 5900

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